Anacaona Necklace
♥ Tribute to Anacaona: meaning “golden flower in Taino, was a chief of Haiti. Her brother and her husband were two of the five highest caciques who ruled the island of Ayiti (now called Hispaniola) when the spanish settled there in 1492. Anacaona became chief of Xaragua after her brother’s death. Her husband Caonabo, suspected of having organized the attack on a Spanish settlement on north-western Hispaniola, was captured by and shipped to Spain, dying in a shipwreck during the journey — as many other Taino leaders died on Spanish ships away from their native lands. The Taínos, being ill-treated by the conquerors, revolted and made a long war against them. Cacica Anacaona and her Taíno noblemen were executed by the Spaniards.
Mami Watta is an artistic movement reconnecting with traditional knowlege, producing unique styles of jewelry and accessories that support the artisanship and hardwork of our Indigenous artists.
This wearable artwork has been produced by artisans from the Embera Chami tribe of Colombia. It carries hours of work, calculation and imagination. Through the beadworks we can see a lot of references to colours from the natural environment and the Embera Cosmovision.